Parents, Thanks for continuing to submit questions. Your questions are driving what I will speak about. The meeting will be focused on what I know and can answer.
If you cannot join us, please do not worry, we are planning to record and will share the link.
Mr. Ferrara, Principal
Attend our next Town Hall on August 27th @ 10am to hear the latest news on reopening.
Join Zoom Meeting 8/27/20 @ 10:00 AM
Meeting ID: 927 3965 0059 Passcode: 587058
Please submit any questions in advanced via this link: WIWzBYJLkkfgCLWygCBUN1dZUVlSSE1TVEpCVFlTS0VaV1hQWFBKTS4u
Mary Bow 347-886-1717.
Mrs. Galan
Mr. Ferrara
