Miss Chocolate fundraiser - School orders end 10/15, Online orders end 10/22
Our annual Miss Chocolate fundraiser offers the option to purchase sweets and treats, flower bulbs, kitchen accessories, gifts, and more! Items can be shipped to school or shipped to home. Everyone who sells earns a prize, and all purchases raise money for our school! Details are on pta41.com. Delivery will be on November 14.
There are three ways to participate:
Use the sales packet your child brought home to sell to friends and family. (No unsupervised door-to-door sales, please!)
Sell online using Miss Chocolate's website, and invite your family and friends to shop the online store using Seller ID #100579
Order a case of 60 assorted chocolate bars to sell to friends (or eat yourself!) using this order form
For questions, contact Michael Duong at mduong11@gmail.com. Thank you for supporting our school!