Attend our PTA General meeting on Thursday, 5/18 at 7pm on Zoom and celebrate April's Students of the Month! 🎉 We'll also elect our 2023-2024 PTA Executive Board and SLT.
Before we meet:
✔️ review the agenda and minutes
✔️ submit your questions for our Q&A
You must be signed in to your child's nycstudents.net account to join. If joining via mobile, log out of other Zoom accounts before attempting to join the meeting.
If you are already signed in to your child's nycstudents.net account, click here to join the Zoom Meeting. If not, follow these steps to sign in and join:
Go to nycdoe.zoom.us
Click Sign In and enter your child's @nycstudents.net email and password
Click "JOIN A MEETING" and enter Meeting ID: 870 1289 6161, Passcode: 704579
Call (929) 205 6099 and enter Meeting ID: 870 1289 6161 and Passcode: 704579, or use One Tap Mobile: 19292056099,,87012896161#,,,,*704579#