Good morning P.S. 41 Families,
Please see the attached update from Chancellor Carranza. In the letter he says, “The increasing levels of COVID-19 infection overall in the city are very concerning, and we must strengthen precautions further for our school communities.
Therefore, no student will be permitted to return to the building without a signed consent form for in-school testing. Your consent must be submitted by the first day your child resumes in-person learning.
If you have already provided consent via NYCSA or a paper form, we encourage you to submit it again to ensure we have the most up to date form on file.”
You can complete the consent in two easy ways:
Online: Fill out the form online using a New York City Schools Account (NYCSA) (Open external link).
If you already have a NYCSA account linked to your student(s): Log in, click your student’s name, click “Manage Account,” and then when a dropdown menu appears, click “Consent Forms.” Read the page, and then choose the consent option at the end for your student.
If you do not already have a NYCSA account: You can create one right away! If you have an account creation code from your school, you can create a full account in approximately five minutes, and then provide consent as described above. If you do not have an account creation code from your school, you can still provide your consent right away by clicking “Manage Consent” under “COVID-19 Testing” and filling out your and your child’s information to provide consent.
Paper form: Fill out and return the paper form to school. A printable PDF file is available in ten languages at COVID-19 Testing for Students and Staff.
Please contact or if you have questions, etc.
Best, Mr. Ferrara, Principal