General PTA Meeting & Election Tomorrow
THURSDAY, 10/21 @ 7pm
Don't forget to join us at our Virtual PTA meeting tomorrow evening (Link and instructions to join below - and on the PTA Website). In addition to important updates, we will be voting in new members of the PTA Executive Board and School Leadership Team. Missed the last meeting? View the minutes at the bottom of the email. Email any questions to Hope to see you all there! Thank you!
2020-2021 Elections
Approval of September’s Minutes
Financials – September and Year End Financials • Presidents Report
Upcoming Events
Principal Report
Parent Coordinator Update
New Business
Meeting Instructions:
IMPORTANT: You must use your child's NYC DOE Account to join the meeting.
(you will need your child's username and password)
Here are a few ways to log into zoom using your student's account - this information is also posted on the PTA Website. OPTION 1: 1) Click on this link 2) Then enter Meeting ID & passcode Meeting ID: 835 2088 6766 Passcode: 527272 For more help: OPTION 3: If you are already signed into your child's NYC DOE account You can join Zoom Meeting through this link: Meeting ID: 835 2088 6766 Passcode: 527272
Meeting Minutes - 9/22
Below are the minutes from our previous meeting. They are also posted on the website every month.
Email any questions to Hope to see you all there! Thank you!