2nd GRADE: Theater Art Performance Voice Recording
2nd Grade Theater Arts Video Watch Party: Tue, 3/2 @ 7 PM
Please see below for important information. Contact jcastor@schools.nyc.gov with any questions. Thank you!!
RECORDING DAY: Monday, 2/22 @ 11:38am
COSTUMES: Please ask the children to wear a SOLID top in the following colors: Girls - purple, Boys - blue
We will be recording the children on their Zoom Theater Arts class again after break. Please ensure your child is present and participating. Also please have the children wear a solid top in PURPLE for the girls and BLUE for the boys.
DUE: Sunday, 2/21
SEND TO: mralastair@yahoo.com
In addition, the children have received a request from Mr. Castoro and Alastair on their Music Google Classroom for voice recordings of Frozen for their online Theater Arts performance. Lyrics and music below or on your child's Google Classroom.
Check your Google classroom for instructions as well.
IMPORTANT: Please note there should be NO musical accompaniment on the recording, ONLY A VOICE. Do NOT send any video.
How to record:
You will need TWO devices and HEADPHONES.
Set up DEVICE A to play the recordings below with headphones.
Set up DEVICE B with a voice recording app.
Using headphones or ear phones/buds and have them sing along with the track.
At the same time record their voice ONLY on an iphone or ipad using the recording app.
Email the recording file to: mralastair@yahoo.com (mralastair@yahoo.com)
Indicate the song recorded on your email.
IMPORTANT: You will NOT be able to send your recording via your child's DOE email. Please send with your personal email account.
(Apple users): You can use the Voice Memo app that comes with your phone/ipad or download it here. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/voice-memos/id1069512134
Instructions on how to use app here
HINT: You can have them wear headphone on only one ear so they can stay on pitch easier
LYRICS: the song lyrics are posted below and to their Music Google Classroom if needed.
Sorry, there are no more available lines.
Songs to use for your recording:
Frozen Heart
Do You Want To Build a Snowman?
For The First Time In Forever
Let it Go
In Summer
Love Is An Open Door

Frozen Heart https://youtu.be/2U5pGBFTdgE
Do You Want To Build a Snowman? https://youtu.be/nVnYPvEm_KE
For The First Time In Forever https://youtu.be/ctN6CE1mejM
Let it Go https://youtu.be/25o4wuTbatg
In Summer https://youtu.be/1nMhZS360Z4
Love Is An Open Door https://youtu.be/T_x5lR1kp5E