The nomination period for the 2022-2023 PTA Executive Board and School Leadership Team is now closed. See our nominees listed below and be sure to join our PTA General Meeting on Thursday, 5/19 at 7pm on Zoom to vote!
2022-2023 PTA Executive Board Ballot
PTA President
Judy Kwak
Denise Yamaguchi
First Vice-President (Membership)
Sara Jordan
Niki Smith
Second Vice-President (Publications)
Linda Kim
Third Vice-President (Fundraising)
Kathy Ciofoletti
Recording Secretary
Bryan Chan
Michael Duong
Corresponding Secretary
Kimberly Arends
Georgia Damoulakis
Hospitality Committee
Sarah Boland
Jennifer Catherall
2022-2023 School Leadership Team Ballot
Sarah Boland
Jennifer Catherall
Georgia Damoulakis
Joanna Edwards
Sara Jordan
Francyne Zeltser