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$1 (red) Raffle Tickets (3).png

Presale tickets are due back from Wednesday, 4/26 but you can still purchase tickets at International Night on 4/28.

Raffle tickets are $1 each. Tickets have been sent home with your child and will also be available for purchase during International Night on 4/28. Winners will be drawn on Fri, 4/28. You do not need to be present to win!

How to purchase:

  1. Clearly write your name and phone number on each ticket. (Names on tickets must be +18 years old.)

  2. Write the number of the prize you'd like to enter to win (or we're happy to choose a number for you!)

  3. Return all raffle tickets (purchased and unused) and payment in the included envelope before Wed, 4/26. Cash and checks payable to PS41Q PTA are accepted.

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