Join us for an important PTA General Meeting on Thursday, 5/16 at 7pm at school, during which we will elect our 2024-2025 PTA Executive Board and School Leadership Team (SLT).
The SLT nominees are:
• Sarah Boland
• Sara Jordan
• Tommy Kim
• Nancy Valderrama
• Francyne Zeltser
The PTA Executive Board nominees are:
PTA President: Bryan Chan and Judy Kwak
First Vice-President (Membership): Niki Smith
Second Vice-President (Publications): Linda Kim
Third Vice-President (Fundraising): Michelle Almodovar-Chin and Michael Duong
Fourth Vice-President (Website Manager): Nelson Gerena
Corresponding Secretary: Helen Wong
Recording Secretary: Sara Jordan
Treasurer: Laura Rossman
Hospitality Committee: Sarah Boland and Ilianna Pagiatis