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Gr5 Holiday Party - 12/21/23

Dear 5th Grade Families,

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Following the traditions of past years, we will have a lunch pajama party for the Fifth Grade on Thursday, December 21st in the Gym from 11:45 am to 1:30 pm.

In order to make this event a success, we are asking for your help!

Prepare/Pay for Food

We need a variety of store-bought, restaurant-ordered and home-cooked dishes. The homemade food from various cultures is what has always made this holiday event so special and unique. Kindly sign up to bring food items to the holiday party here: Please note that we have 76 students in the entire fifth grade. Alternatively, if you cannot contribute a food item, please consider sending in a monetary donation, which will be used to purchase additional items.

Volunteer Your Time

We also need MANY parents to help set up, serve, and clean up. Set up will be at 10:50am and clean up at 1:30 pm. Fill out the volunteer form to let us know we can count on you!

Looking forward to a wonderful party! If you have any questions, please reach out to Mary Bow at 347-886-1717, your child’s class parents or your child’s teacher.


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