4th GRADE: Theater Art Performance Voice Recording
PARENT SHOW (LIVE STREAM): Tue, 1/19/2021 @ 7PM tentatively
COSTUMES: Exact recording dates to be determined but the children will be asked to wear solid t-shirts in purple, blue, orange or yellow. The children have received a request from Alastair on their Music Google Classroom for voice recordings of Aladdin for their online Theater Arts performance. Check your Google classroom for instructions as well. How to record:
You will need TWO devices and HEADPHONES.
Set up DEVICE A to play the recordings below with headphones.
Set up DEVICE B with a voice recording app.
Using headphones or ear phones/buds and have them sing along with the track.
At the same time record their voice ONLY on an iphone or ipad using the recording app.
Email the recording file to: mralastair@yahoo.com (mralastair@yahoo.com)
Indicate the song recorded on your email.
(Apple users): You can use the Voice Memo app that comes with your phone/ipad or download it here. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/voice-memos/id1069512134
Instructions on how to use app here
HINT: You can have them wear headphone on only one ear so they can stay on pitch easier
LYRICS: the song lyrics are posted below and to their Music Google Classroom if needed.
IMPORTANT: Please note there should be NO musical accompaniment on the recording, ONLY A VOICE. Do NOT send any video. Please continue to check your Google Classroom/Email for more important announcements regarding this performance If you have questions please contact Alastair MrAlastair@yahoo.com or
Mr. Castoro - JCastor@schools.nyc.gov